Thursday, January 22, 2009

Colorful and Energizing Day

Yesterday, on January 22, three English major students approached me in my Philosophy class and asked me if I could be their guest speaker in their class. I said yes if I would be useful in their subject. I was glad to help other students. It is just a help but it is also a learning process for me.

After a long quiz in my Philosophy class, I went to my Econ class. At this time, my teacher was to come to our class on time. We knew that she would give us a quiz today. She did. I did my best for the quiz.

Writing for TV production always is my last class on Thursday. Normally the class ends at around 9:10pm.

Vote! a step toward a victorious campaigning. After the class, Carren explained about her "Seven Strategies for Victory"

Yesterday, Carren, my class monitor, decided to run for representative of the Humanities Division. She seems very confident for her launching campaign. She is very energized and active in the class. She has a lot of natural talents such good voice, leadership and management in her section, persuasion and jolliness to other classmates, and creative skill. I came home late because I wanted to support Carren for her candidacy and I was with her campaign meeting.

When I checked my mail in the late evening, I found two mails from Fr. Ron, SM in Australia, one from Fr. Peter Hka Awng Tu in Manila, and one from Philosophy Division inviting me to attend a lecture ” POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE DEMOCRACY IN THE PHILIPPINES". The speaker is my professor in the last semester, Christopher Ryan B. Maboloc, Chairperson of the Philosophy Division on February 11, 2009, Wednesday, at 3:40-5:40 in the afternoon at F-213.

Hoping I can post some of his thoughts and insights in my blog "my knokbuk".