Saturday, September 19, 2009


Last night I woke up in the middle of the night because of my nightmare. It was horrible but I could not recall it again this morning..Usually, nightmare comes when I feel sick or get sick. On the other hand, superstitiously, i believe it happens when my power weakens.

Sometimes in my nightmares, I was attacked by water-leeches or mountain-leeches, and they suck my blood lavishly or often I was being chased by scary dogs. Yeah, in my bad dreams, I fell down from the top of the mountain but sometimes I drowned in the middle of the river while I was swimming for my dear life.

I believe dreams which are giving me an alarm or a sign. It might happen soon. When I was a kid, it was true and it happened as the dream did but indirectly. I needed to have some sorts of interpretation for them. For example, when I dreamed about snakes, I had a trouble with my friends.

But the interpretation of the dreams will be different. people have different ways of interpretation based on their believes, cultures and customs. When I say snakes, "la-pu" in Kachin, its meaning refers to heat or worry. It is a bad dream But Burmese people accept snake in dreams as good signs.

Anyway, I tried to sleep again. I had a glass of cold water. Then, I checked myself whether I prayed before I went to bed. After all I said a short prayer. I believe that praying is very powerful to protect myself from frightening nightmares...

Friday, September 18, 2009

Learning From My Previous mistakes..

When I was in the middle school (elementary school) days, I had hard time with maths. I got a lot of problems. I repeated correcting them till I got correct answers.. Inevitably, I had already memorized all those steps and formula. They were helpful for another similar problems. Finally, they helped me to become good in maths and not to be afraid of it. And I gained confidence and joy doing maths in my whole school days.

Sometimes, I took quite easily about my work because I just wanted to go with the flow, relaxing and ignoring the mistakes that I would make. But these mistakes did not go away. If I did not take seriously first, they would come back to me again. So, I tried to correct them. That moment was hard and difficult but made me excited. why? I learned new things.

Of course, there are endless challenges in my life.

I admit that it is quite painful to learn lessons in a hard way but I use to get through them. Now, I am always ready to accept my mistakes and correct them. I am not afraid to make mistakes nor afraid to correct them.